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Email: rookieschess***gmail*****com

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 See below for how to get in touch with us

With the generous support of SPLC and the Parents & Friends Committee, the first junior chess club to operate in the Indooroopilly area for over 15 years has been going strong for 4 years!


Nik Stawski (FIDE Master & Instructor), the SPLC AIC chess coach for the last 7 years and a coach with over 25 years of experience coaching in Queensland & NSW schools, is the main coach and organiser at our club. Other top Queensland players contribute to this club, helping students to be the best that they can be at this ancient, noble and mind-expanding game. The club hosts tournaments of various styles, from longer, more serious games to rapid and blitz timed games. From puzzle nights to transfer (a.k.a. “chess doubles”) competitions. From blindfold chess demonstrations to simultaneous exhibitions by the occasional visiting master or grandmaster. There are prizes presented regularly as part of these various activities. Students will have an opportunity to gain and improve their official Queensland Junior Chess Rating.

About the SPLC Indooroopilly Rookies Chess Club


The chess community in South-East Queensland is a growing, lively community supporting the development of junior chess. Check out their web pages to find more about them and upcoming events.


Queensland Junior Chess maintained by the Chess Association of Queensland

Excessive Epicness club

Sunnybank Chess club

Southside Junior Chess Club

Chess People Club

Gardiner Chess


Contact us at: rookieschess***gmail****com


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The Chess Community